Sunday, March 04, 2007

Had No Idea!

Am I the only one? I had no idea this was going on. I think it's pretty cool!



Robert Conn said...

I thought you would want to know that I have no thoughts Jason.

Lou said...

I have no idea what you are talking about, therefore I can not let you know if you're the only one thinking about it.

Lance said...

I, for one, am shocked. And like the others... have no idea what you are talking about.

Jason Fullen said...

Come on guys. The dude in the website is Ed Young Jr. He is the pastor of Fellowship Church in Dallas, TX. His picture is on a Japanese website and I had no idea his messages were being translated to Japanese! I simply thought that it was cool that his sermons were being heard in a different language.

Jason Fullen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lou said...

Well, in that case, I too had no idea that this was going on!


Oh wait.

I think you meant it was a good thing. And I concur.

Todd Wright said...

jason must REALLY love that Coldplay record.

Chad said...

西田育生さんは、東京の浅草にある東京ホープチャペルの牧師ですが、その働きと平行して、多重債務に関する相談も行っています。数年前に出版された『多重債務者 心の110番』は、借金で困っている多くの人たちに希望を与える本として好評を博してきました。「多重債務者への福音」というテーマでお話を伺います。(『多重債務者 心の110番』1,470円(税込)+送300円 ご注文はこちらから)

Marcelo Frez said...

Hey Jason.
It's great to know that the Kingdom of God is growing and that we are part of that Kingdom.
God Bless You

Robert Conn said...

Jason I believe you were referring to Ed Young (The Pastor formerly known as Ed Young Jr.)

Danielle said...

LOL very funny Jason! lol I of course knew exactly what you were talking about and new that it was going on....not really. I am tempted now to post similar things on my blog in rememberance of this event in blog history.

Kelsey said...

i would just like to say that there really is a

and that just made me laugh really hard. haha