Sunday, April 06, 2008

Me and The President

Okay, so I respect the office of the President of the United States, alot. Therefore, I was quite overjoyed to see some "presidential" helicopters flying overhead today as we were downtown, admiring the cherry blossoms.

Anyways, I had my camera-phone out and was taking a picture of me at the Jefferson memorial. See figure 4-01.

FIG. 4-01

Okay, maybe a minute later I hear a helicopter flying low, so I turn around and see this helicoptor fly right in the same space that I just took my picture. See FIG. 4-02.

FIG. 4-02.

About 30 minutes later, we (Jodie, Rachel and I) are walking back toward the Metro, and we hear the helicopters again, this time they're on a mission. One comes in low from just over the Jefferson memorial toward the big house, and then another follows and then another follows. The first two come in for a landing and then bail at the last minute. But the last one, Marine One, settles in at the White House. It was very cool! I got home and looked up some details on the web. Look at the pict I found. See FIG. 4-03.

FIG. 4-03.

The very cool part is just after all the activity, I turn around and begin to look for the Metro station, I look towards the Mall and something catches out of the corner of my eye. Two men in black attire, emerge from a rooftop and swing very large black bags, as one would do a rifle. It was obvious they were security snipers. We watched them for about 40 secs, and they were gone. It was way cool!


Kathi Roach said...

Very cool! I was wondering if they were at Camp David this weekend. I saw 2 similar looking helicopters flying together over our house on Thurs....don't know for sure if it's the Prez on one of those helicopters...but we always like to tell ourselves that it is.

Amy said...

That is cool. It's still weird to me that I live so close to that kind of stuff. I'm used to being pretty far removed from it down in LA and TX.

We wonder the same thing when pairs, or groups, of helicopters fly over us, Kathi!

Jen said...

This is cool! We are in the flight path to Camp David so we get to hear these helicopters fairly often. Our boys LOVE it! I think the Prez always flies in a configuration of 3 helicopters and the VP in a configuration of 2--to keep everyone guessing!

Jessica said...

you are quite crafty with that camera phone of yours. that is way neat.

i was in D.C. on sunday as well, for the Cherry Blossom run.

i hope you were able to stay dry! and that you didn't get caught up in all the traffic! :)

you rock.

Kacie said...

I heard something on TV about Cherry blossoms and DC, but had no idea what they were talking about. I guess now I do, or not really since this was really about the president. So, you may have to fill this ignorant southern girl in on the significance of these cherry blossoms.

Justin Carnley said...

Is that a jacket you're wearing? In April? Lucky!