Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Did Jesus show up on American Idol?

I don't know if you caught tonight's episode of American Idol, but it was quite crazy. Dolly Parton was the featured guest and not suprising, she sang about Jesus; something like Jesus and gravity.

Anyway, that was not too big a surpise. What was crazy to me was the fact that the Clark Bros, came out and sang "This Little Light of Mine" like from "Sunday school." I couldn't believe my ears! This is American Idol! The Clark Bros are an "up and coming" country/bluegrass band (that won "The Great Next American Band"), singing a children's song about a no less controversial person than Jesus? Could this be?

After Dolly sings she talks about the song and tells Ryan "I have Jesus and you a Simon." Then Brooke White shows up in the bottom 3 and Ryan asks her to comment on her emotions about the evening, and she refers to Dolly's song about Jesus and gravity among a few other things. I just couldn't help but think that there was a lot of references to Jesus! (Which I think is usually not tolerated for very long.) Overall, Idol (so ironic) felt more authentic and evangelistic than some of the churches I've seen on TV.

Anybody else agree? Disagree?


Robert Conn said...

Remember Jason, we like Jesus... just not the church. At least that is what all the cool trendy Christians are telling me these days.

Bunk I tell you, all bunk!

As far as idol goes. Great show. I think the more important question (rather than why are they singing so much about Jesus) is "Why are they dedicating a week to Dolly Parton?" I mean really??

Unknown said...

Dude, Dolly Parton is a legend...

What has Nashville done to me?

Anonymous said...

Bluegrass on idol ??? What next a salute to Bill Monroe or Ricky Skaggs?? I would watch that , yeeehawww or would it be heeeehawww ???

Dani said...

I was thinking the same thing, that was awesome!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how everyone would like it if American Idol had an "Allah" night? Every other word on that damn show last night was Jesus.

Jodie said...

Can't edit LIVE tv!

BTW...I know you aren't gonna believe me but that last anonymous wasn't me.

Amy said...

Ok, it was me.

Kacie said...

I was thinking the same thing, but what is interesting is how on the other hand how Christianity is being so publically challenged with the Oprah New Age movement and with other things. I mean, I know this isn't all happening now for the first time, but seems to somehow be on a larger scale. Why wouldn't God have his children who are in the spotlight proclaim his name as Lord to counter Satan's (just as public) attacks. And, no, I'm not calling Oprah Satan however she did leave Christianity for nearly the same reason he did. hmmmm.... (If you haven't already, check out the video "The Church of Oprah Exposed" on youtube.)

Kelsey said...

I thought it was so neat! I couldn't really believe it either!