Friday, May 30, 2008

Peer Pressure

Okay. So I'm not to fond of these things, but I feel that out of loyalty to friendship (and fear of backlash from the Bluebirds) I submit to you the following:

What were you doing 5 years ago?
1. Looking to buy our first home.
2. Working as a Missions Pastor/Facilites Director/Technical Director (computers and sound) and also a Student Pastor.
3. Building Mach Games Ramps at 3:00AM and still editing all night videos.
4. Buying our first house on Sandybrook.
5. Spending way to many hours away from my wife.

What are 5 things on your to-do list today (not in any particular order)?
1. Rehearsal @ 7pm
2. Brown Bag staff lunch at 11:30pm
3. Write a short script for this weekend's services
4. Email about 10 students
5. Locate a certiain DVD and make arrangements to pick it up to use it this weekend.

What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
1. Diet Dr. Pepper - it's great and reminds me of Sugar Free Dr. Pepper that I drank as a kid at the bowling alley, Lufkin Lanes.
2. Babybel Cheese
3. Bananas and granola
4. Chocolate Chip Cookies
5. Chicken in a Biskit crackers

What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Drive to every debtor personally and write them a final check
2. Start about 3 nonprofits; job placement, orphanage, AIDS victims
3. Buy serval businesses, including something to do with hydrogen powered cars
4. Create a Thinktank in Washington DC, centered on Student Ministry, with all their findings made available on the web.
5. Move my family to Maryland.(and Rachel's if they'd come!)

What are 5 of your bad habits?
1. Staying up to late
2. Seeing injustice, feeling convicted, becoming aware, then doing nothing.
3. Seeing others do great things and not thinking I can do great things. (If I get on to my students for thinking that can't do great things, it has to be wrong when I do it too!)
4. Law and Order
5. Knowing my ways the only way. (Notice I didn't say thinking. I can only see it my way.) - Sorry everyone.

What are 5 places you have lived?
1. Nacogdoches, TX Rachel's Parent's Home
2. Douglass, TX Our Trailer Home
3. Lufkin, TX 103 West
4. Lufkin, TX Sandybrook
5. Reisterstown, MD

What are 5 jobs you've had?
1. Poultry Farmer
2. Cabinet Maker
3. HVAC Shop Helper
4. Storeroom Clerk for MHMR
5. Pastor - Missions, Student

I'm afraid to tag anybody. Some of the ones I would haven't blogged since Windows 95.


Kelsey said...

haha! Thanks for doing this!

Kacie said...

Hey, my faves are choclate chip cookies and chicken in a biskits, too.

I'm glad you admited to knowing your way is the only way. I think last week was the first time I told you "Surely there can't be one way to do something; God is bigger and much more creative than that"....and it only took me 25 years to think of it. (I know I'm 27, but I didn't start talking 'til I was 2)

Oh, and thanks for moving us to Maryland when you become a billionare. I'm sure that is the only way that could happen unless of course, we become billionares first.

Anonymous said...

Right after you move me to Maryland, I can be your first job placement and you can let me run your orphanages. Mom