Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Green with Envy?

Okay. I'm gonna say it. This glorified golfcart has some kind of appeal to me.

Okay. There. I said it. Are you happy?

Signed- the owner of 2 - 4X4 SUVs.

So what do you think of the car?


Todd Wright said...

nothing wrong with you;

that's awesome

Kristen said...

It's looks like an egg on wheels.

Robert Conn said...

Sometimes I look like an egg on wheels. I'd take it.

Can you imagine the parking possibilities?

Anonymous said...

JAson! I just got one for myself...they are cheap and work just fine! hahahhaa!!!!!
P. Tognolo

Justin Carnley said...

Weak. But its better than my car, i.e. bicycle. I bet it gets great gas, or electric??? mileage.