Tuesday, January 10, 2006

God The Farmer

I have been taking a few days to think about all that God showed me last week while I was at Passion 06. I can’t get over the fact that God really is doing something. I have always heard (and known) that God was in fact doing something, but the idea always seemed allusive at best. How many times has every American Christian heard a preacher say, “God is up to something big?” I mean I think I have heard that no less than 2000 times in my life, but for the first time I think I understand more clearly what He is indeed doing. God is growing a monument. He is building a people, a living monument of believers, which live for Him through the suffering of the Son.

It was pointed out to me this past week, something that I had read before, but had never seen.

John 15:1 "I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer.

Most of us have heard this before, however, notice that it doesn’t say like a farmer. It says is a farmer. This is crucial to the imagery found throughout the whole Scriptures. It is no surprise that man starts in the garden of Eden. Don’t forget the children were led into the desert and eventually into the Promised Land, flowing with milk and honey. And don’t forget Jesus going to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane.

God is a farmer and he is planting each and every one of us to bear much fruit. He is continuously pruning and shaping us into the image of His Son.

God really is moving, and many more people believe everyday.
May God grant us the faith to live in the reality of His Kingdom, and may that faith compel us to listen to the Father and obey.

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