Friday, February 15, 2008

President Clinton Visits Nourishing Mother

Stephen F Austin is my Alma Mater. Alma Mater in latin is "Nourishing Mother." I thought this was funny. If your in the Nacogdoches area, you may want to drop by just for the heck of it.


SFA Home / Public Affairs / News Releases / February 2008

Former President Clinton to speak at SFA Friday afternoon
Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to talk Friday afternoon in the Grand Ballroom of the Baker Pattillo Student Center. Doors will open for the event at 6 p.m.

The former president will be speaking to Nacogdoches-area supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a daylong, East Texas tour that will include Texarkana, Longview, Tyler and Lufkin.


Kaity said...

Stephen F Austin is your nourishing mother? sweet.

Anonymous said...

I did not go see Willie in Texarkana.

DWC said...

Old Billy was at the Lufkin Civic Center too ... I did not go ... lots and lots of people ... standing room only ( I heard )