Sunday, November 18, 2007

Street View

Google has gone crazy! When are they going to stop? Adam Workman pointed out that google maps now has a feature called Street View. It is crazy!

Now my question is this, "When is google going to stop?" I see a lot of similarities between the New England Patriots and Google. Neither know when to stop and both are unstoppable.

Go take a look at the google street view, it's cool!


Google Street View Funny said...

Take a look at these fun Google Street View finds here

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here wondering why this is the first time that I've ever messaged you. I'm an idiot for not keeping in touch with all. oh well, better late than never I guess. Wassup dude. It's your old pal Caleb Robinson. My email is or check out the band that I'm in called "The Only One" at Good to c u again, dude. peace
Caleb Robinson

nice blog btw

mimi said...

I think th law says that any photo which can be taken from a street is legal. So I would suppose that if my curtains are open, google and set up across the street and zoom into my house.

mimi said...

the above should say "google can" not "google and." I am running fever today.