Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Beautiful Day!

It's beautiful here!


Unknown said...

Wow! That is really something! Have fun, stay warm, and throw a snowball for me!

daniel said...
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daniel said...


Amy said...

Yes, it is so beautiful. We had a fun snow day, too!

mimi said...

Nice snow day. You wrote:

"Where circumstance intersects perspective, experience or emotions are produced."

I have been thinking that I have had some very difficult situations in my life--things I would never want to go back to, but at time I still in the present find myself murmuring about the most minor things. There is something about the present moment. It is the only time we can complain or praise.

Do I hear a saw?

FREEDOM - Livres de Verdade said...

It's kinda different from TEXAS out there, huh?
God Bless Ya' my friend.
Your South American Friend.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there. What a beautiful sight to look at from your deck! I wish I could save this as my desktop wallpaper.