Thursday, December 29, 2011

Simple Impact

I think this may be a year old, but it's new to me. I love how simple it is and that is gets the point across with so little effort on the viewer. I'm thinking that I want to continually speak to students, and parents in a way that moves people closer to Jesus without much effort on the part of the listener.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Underground Student Movement Christmas Party

Merry Christmas!

I know you are shocked. A blogpost? What is this about? Well, I had a few things to say that 140 characters on twitter couldn't quite handle. Don't worry, this in not a New Year's Resolution post. I thought I would take a moment and express my gratitude for the team I serve with at LifePoint Church.

I have thought through the different aspects of this Christmas day celebration and have been overwhelmed at the blessings in my life. The birth of our Savior, Jesus, is an overwhelming thought. Without His birth, we would have no hope. None. Without Him, we are, to use John's words, "condemned already."  As if identity,  purpose and forgiveness were not enough, he also gives us Himself. Christ born in us, if we believe.

All of this got me to thinking about the few years we have on earth and those with whom we get to spend our time. It's pretty crazy to think that God not only offers us Himself through Jesus, but He also gives us true spiritual community. I'm so grateful that my community starts with my family. Some are not so fortunate to have a believing family. I'm so thankful to have a family that loves Jesus and is so supportive to the Good News. Additionally, my wife and two girls are so precious and are such a joy to know, love and journey through life together. What an adventure we are on!

Next, comes the people we do life with on an ongoing basis. For most of us, this is the random collection of people that we don't totally choose. We are merged with a group of strangers primarily by proximity. Then life has a way of growing us together, and in some cases those people become family.

Over the past nine months, we have been in "transition mode" since my good friend Lance Burch accepted the position of lead pastor at Shadow Lake Community Church in Nebraska. Filling his shoes has been no easy task. Lance and his family's absence have certainly left a void here. Fortunately, I have been so blessed to get to do life and ministry with a great group of people to come along side me and the UGR staff to continue the ministry. They are the volunteers of Underground Student Movement.  I'm so thankful for their sacrifice and surrender to helping students and their families. Some of us were able to come together for a Christmas party last weekend. I was reminded again of how great it is to see God working around us.

It's so great to know and serve with a wonderful team of people that desire to see students find and follow Jesus. I am so grateful this Christmas for their dedication to Christ and making Him known.

I hope your Christmas season has been filled with deep meaning and purpose. Instead of thinking about all the things we need to change for 2012, let's spend the rest of 2011 remembering God working around us this past year.

Merry Christmas to all!

If you are so inclined, how has God been at work in your life this past year?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring 2011 Update

I post things here from time to time. I'm focused on a few projects right now that are consuming my blogging time. I'm hoping to return to blogging before long, but until then, follow me on twitter here:

I protect my tweets, but none the less, I would love to add you!



Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My 35th Birthday

On May 22nd I'm turning 35. This year I have decided to try something a little different. I want to give up my birthday and try and raise $1000 for clean drinking water by June 30th.

Several years ago I went to Mexico to drill water wells for children at an orphanage. Since then, my awareness of the issue has been heightened, but my actions have been lacking. I think it's time I start doing something.

Will you consider joining me in donating a one time donation to help me raise $1000 for clean drinking water?

Go here for more info and how to donate.

Saturday, March 20, 2010